Follow the instructions below to add a Windows device to a PC Matic account.
Supported Windows Versions: 7, 8, 10, 11
- Click the button above to download the installer. You may see it in the lower left corner of your browser (Chrome), or you can find it in your Downloads folder.
- Double click on the installation file, or click it once and press enter.
- If prompted with User Account Control, click Yes.
- Select your language and press OK
- Read and accept the License Agreement and click Next.
- Click Next to confirm the install location.
- Click Next to confirm the start menu location.
- Select if you want to create a desktop shortcut and click Next.
- Select Install.
- Once complete, select to Launch PC Matic and click Finish.
- When PC Matic launches, enter your login information from your purchase.
- You’ve completed installing PC Matic!
The post How do I install PC Matic on my Windows computer? appeared first on PC Matic Knowledgebase.